Thursday, September 03, 2009

Squirrely Run Cycle - WIP Part 2

Squirrely Run Cycle - WIP 2nd Pass from Matt Long on Vimeo.

Here's my 2nd pass, now on 1s. I disabled the tail for now as I'm working from the body's core outward. Added quite a bit more weight to the run and delayed the upper torso during the passing position, as well as further delaying the shoulders and head. This makes it much more organic and you can feel the contact better. Still need to adjust the legs a little to get the push-off of the feet, and then it's off to all the little extra details like ears, hands, toes, tail, and then facial.

1 comment:

Patrick Semple said...

Thats awesome dude, the straight ahead thing seem to be really working, i always found it hard to do straight ahead in 3d. bits and pieces always seemed to get lost and end up jumping. So this makes me happy to see it work out.

the only thing that bugs me a little is that the facial expression doesn't looked focused enough , but at the end of the day thats just a matter of taste .

Really slick stuff.