Walking in a heavy wind - Blocking pass from Matt Long on Vimeo.
Here's my blocking pass of my new assignment. I'm to have the no-armed Stewie walk in a heavy wind for 120-200 frames, that's all the assignment asks for. I approached it the same way Mike Nguyen taught me during my time at July Films, to try to feel the forces and where they originate and how they act on the body and unfold throughout the animation to make for good clear animation. I think it's pretty successful and reads fairly well.
Hey the blocking looks good man! I especially like the acting as he ventures forward.
Everyone is saying Inception is awesome....I gotta watch it.
dude matt, your stuff is lookin really awesome! your animation keeps getting better everytime you post something new. You didnt happen to shoot any reference video for this piece did u? it would probably be hard to shoot reference for this anyways unless you had a giant fan on full blast haha
Thanks for the comments.
Ray: I watched some videos on Youtube for reference and took note of a few things, but put them away and just tackled this straight through.
Ha its a rare occasion when I hear you really praise a movie since you got a good eye for detail. But yeah I thought inception was good too.
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